Reach+ Game Redesign

Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital developed a game and partnered with the University of Waterloo to evaluate, redesign its testing protocol, and propose design recommendations.


Reach+ is a game designed and developed in Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab. It utilizes Microsoft’s Kinect to help children with cerebral palsy (CP) extend their arms as they reach to feed their on-screen pets.

Provided access to the original game and the designer’s testing protocol/questionnaires, our team was challenged to optimize our testing protocol and propose a game redesign.

Original Website Screenshots
Final Mockups

We wanted to understand all the users and identify the potential usability issues which might get in their way. We methodically observed game play, analyzed questionnaire responses, and developed personas to identify usability issues.

With a few iterations, we pieced together a prototype to use in an inter-team usability test session.

We emphasized a simple setup using clear affordances and the importance of onboarding and access to help. Focusing on feedback during gameplay keep the players engaged.

My Role

This was the term project for our User Centered Design course. I was responsible for flushing out new features and redesigns through sketching and wireframing. Our team would work on each part of the design process individually, provide each other with critiques, and combine our best ideas.

Angelica pieced together a clickable PDF prototype and the final mockups, Catherine put together our slide deck and led our final presentation, Alan performed our statistical analysis, and Michael finalized our testing protocols.

Check out the Final Mockups used in our medium fidelity prototype

Start Screen

Start Screen

  • vibrant colour palette
  • access to instructions
New Profile

New Profile Creation

  • enter player name
  • passwords are optional
Select Profile

Select Profile

  • scroll and click profile from list
  • press 'select user' to confirm and continue


  • simple instructions with example gameplay
  • demonstration of player posture and movements

Preset Onboarding

  • overlay shows first time users where to begin
  • clicking the '+' will lead to the edit settings page
Settings Page

Settings Page

  • select pet, preset, and press 'play'
  • 'edit icon' to modify settings
Edit Settings

Edit Settings Page

  • common form UI
  • help is always available
Ready Screen

Ready Screen

  • waits until child is ready
  • hover both hands over the button to begin


  • elbow angle overlay appears over child's elbow
Emotion Animations

Emotion Animations

  • animations to capture emotional responses
  • rewarding experience